Coderunner tsi
Coderunner tsi

coderunner tsi

From here, they create their own puzzles by inputting a password and leaving a message that hints as to what it might be. All one has to do is move to a desirable spot and take a photo. This is the next really interesting aspect about the game, as these other players can turn anything into a drop point (as it just registers the GPS location). These consist of things like cameras, ATMs, computer systems, or anything else that another CodeRunner player has tagged as a drop point. Seeking to expose the corruption, players must then find “drop points” around the real world (done by doing a sort of sonar sweep of the area on the map) in which to upload the evidence. In our first case, this consisted of some saucy text messages and photos from an escort accompanying a high profile politician whose phone had been stolen. Once the solution is found, information can be downloaded from the source. However in this mini-game, the only hidden object is a piece of paper with a potential password on it. To do so, the voice sends some sort of camera shot from “nearby security cameras” which turn into a moderate hidden object game. In order to hack into whatever system the mysterious voice has presented, users must figure out a password. This is where the first set of mini-games comes into play.


Assuming they take the task, they’ll be able to remotely hack into and download something of importance once they’ve approached the target locale. Players are giving a dossier on their target and a quick briefing before accepting. Once on the move, players are granted missions that they can accept which consist of moving within range of a location randomly placed on the map. It’s actually all very, very well presented and feels like something out of a movie, with well-timed lines like “look casual,” “don’t look at your phone,” or “if you have to look at your phone, pretend to send a text message.” It’s all very James Bond’esque. Once users are about 20 meters away from the starting source, directions will continue on what’s going on and why they’ve been selected. Yes, CodeRunner is a title that’s going to try and get players moving. Prompted to plug in headphones, players begin receiving transmissions from an unknown voice that notifies them of their unsecure location, tasking them to begin walking out of range of that starting local. Contacted by an anonymous source, CodeRunner picks up one’s GPS location and presents it to users in this very cool, spy satellite style. But now players have been recruited to do just that as they uncover the dirty secrets of big profile names.

coderunner tsi coderunner tsi

Hackers, identity theft, computer assaults: They have all be phased out and dealt with. In the world of CodeRunner, the government securely protects everyone’s privacy online. Still, despite its quality, it may not appeal to all players from a strictly convenience perspective. Making use of the environment around the player, this quasi-augmented reality application plants users into the world of governmental espionage. A new iOS app by the name of CodeRunner is attempting to fill this void with a highly creative title that utilizes base iPhone functionality in a highly unique fashion. At most there’s Foursquare, but despite its being enjoyable, it isn’t really a game. When thinking of GPS-oriented games, there isn’t a whole lot that comes to mind. CodeRunner is a highly original title, but you’ll need a comfy pair of sneakers to play

Coderunner tsi